
Destiny 2: The Witch Queen

Complete Re-Sound and Music (August 2022)

This is a clip of a cutscene from the video game Destiny 2: The Witch Queen (2022), published by Bungie.

The focus for this clip is the musical narrative that underpins the onscreen tensions.

It is here without the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which all audio has been replaced without third party assets.

Halo: Infinite

Complete Re-Sound and Music (July 2022)

This is a clip of a cutscene from the video game Halo: Infinite (2021), published by Xbox Game Studios .

The focus for this clip is the ambience and environment that compliment busy layers of SFX.

It is here without the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which all audio has been replaced without third party assets.


Complete Re-Sound and Music (July 2022)

This is a clip of a cutscene from the video game Control (2019), published by 505 Games.

The focus for this clip is the clear cut dialogue, aided by an ambiguous diegetic world.

It is here without the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which all audio has been replaced without third party assets.

Little Nightmares

Complete Re-Sound and Music (June 2022)

This is a clip of a cutscene from the video game Little Nightmares (2017), published by BNE Entertainment.

The focus for this clip is the delicate Foley and light ambience creating a realistic atmosphere.

It is here without the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which all audio has been replaced without third party assets.

No Country for Old Men

Music Composition (May 2022)

This is an excerpt from the film No Country for Old Men (2007) by Joel and Ethan Coen.

The challenge for this excerpt was to add a suspenseful contemporary soundtrack to a film famous for it’s lack of non-diegetic sound.

It is here used without the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which music has been added to the original soundtrack.

Games Industry Test

Partial Re-Sound (April 2022)

This is a collection of clips from Gears Tactics (2020) and Doom Eternal (2020), published by Splash Damage and Bethesda respectively.

The focus for this collection was to create audio assets that could easily be implanted into a game engine or middleware.

It is here without the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which audio has been added without third party assets.

The Abandoned Hospital

Sound Design and Music Composition (March 2022)

This is the short video game demo The Abandoned Hospital (2020), created by Rob Wright (video available soon).

The focus for this demo was to understand how to effectively implement and mix audio inside of a game engine (Unity).

It is here used with the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which all audio has been added without third party assets.


Music Composition (January 2022)

This is an edited version of the short film STUCK (2014) by Ali Doruk Zengin.

The focus for this short film was create an engaging musical score that captured the main character’s thoughts and emotions.

It is here used with the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which music has been added to the original soundtrack.

Ambience Visual Demo

Ambience (November 2021)

This is an excerpt from the Unreal Engine 5 showcase (2020) by Epic Games (video available soon).

The challenge for this excerpt was to add a suspenseful contemporary soundtrack to a film famous for it’s lack of non-diegetic sound.

It is here used without the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which ambience has been added to the original soundtrack.


Re-Sound and Music Composition (October 2021)

This is the short animation Chirality, a student short film created at the University of Hertfordshire.

The focus for this animation was to create a realistic sounding environment and creatures in fictional world.

It is here used with the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which all audio has been added without third party assets.

The Incident (Sonic Storyboard)

Sound Design (September 2021)

This is a Sonic Storyboard of scenario called The Incident. There is purposefully no video.

The challenge for this excerpt was to tell a story through audio only and without dialogue.

This is an original creation, in which audio has been originally created blended together with few third party assets (provided by Epidemic Sound).

The Wizard

Sound Design (September 2021)

This is the short animation The Wizard, a student short clip created at the University of Hertfordshire.

The focus for this animation was to layer audio using minimal assets whilst staying in line with the aesthetics.

It is here used with the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which all audio has been added with third party assets (provided by Jamie Stonehouse).

The Orb (Sound Imagery)

Sound Design (June 2021)

This is a short animation of The Orb (2021).

The challenge for this animation was to use audio in conjunction with the visuals to evoke specific feelings of unease.

It is here used without the authors’ permission, solely as an academic exercise in which all audio has been added with third party assets (provided by Epidemic Sound).